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Denver7 viewers give $2,300 to Boulder musician after truck he was living in with his dog was stolen

Lucas Wolf was able to purchase much-needed items thanks to our generous viewers.
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After Lucas Wolf lost thousands of dollars in equipment and car damages when his truck was stolen, Denver7 viewers raised over $2300 to help replace the items.

BOULDER, Colo. — A Boulder musician is getting back on his feet after the truck he was living in was stolen while he was walking his dog.

We introduced you to Lucas Wolf in November 2023 shortly after police recovered his truck. Despite the recovery, Wolf lost thousands of dollars in car damages, stolen equipment and paperwork.

"I was like, have I been kidnapped by aliens? What just happened?" said Wolf.

In the months since, Wolf has obtained housing and was able to replace some of his lost items. However, he was unable to replace some of his music gear and equipment for his landscaping company.

The story struck a chord with Denver7 viewers, leading to more than $2,300 in donations to help Wolf replace the stolen items and repair his truck.

"It’s humbling, I don’t even know what to say. I'm very appreciative. It was unexpected, and I’m super stoked," said Wolf.

Friday morning, we took Wolf on a trip to three different stores. First stop: the Ace Hardware located at 7100 East Colfax Avenue, which generously donated a pair of loppers and new work gloves to help Wolf.

"Anytime we can help someone in need, we're ready," said Juel Teslow, the store manager. "We wanted to give him a good set of loppers to do his landscaping. And what landscaper doesn’t need a good pair of work gloves.”

Most importantly, we were able to purchase Wolf a gas-powered snowblower.

"This is the perfect timing really. It's like the final piece to the puzzle," said Wolf.

The next stop was Music and Arts in Englewood. The local business gave us a 30% discount to purchase speakers and a microphone. With several upcoming shows, Wolf said the new gear will help him sound his best.

While at the store, Wolf eyed an acoustic guitar.

"When I can afford it, that's next," said Wolf.

The final stop: Budget A-1 Transmission in Englewood. Wolf's truck sustained heavy damage after it was stolen. The center console was even ripped out. In a surprise for both Wolf and Denver7, Budget A1 replaced the console, free of charge.

“We’ve been here 32 years in Englewood with an original owner, and we just like giving back to the community," said Scott Mathison, Budget A-1's manager.

With a truck full of restored items and a recently repaired truck, Wolf hit the road, singing a sweeter tune.

"This is a visual of something we need more of in society," said Wolf. "We need people to get together to where they’re helping each other out and that way we can hopefully have more of a better world."

Denver7 features the stories of people who need help and now you can help them with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions to the fund will be used to help people in our local community.

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