DENVER— A 12th grader is dead, and seven others are injured after a shooting at a house party in the Sherrelwood neighborhood of Denver in Adams County.
Denver7 interviewed the parents of the 16-year-old who’s at Swedish Medical Center in Englewood. They say he’s fighting for his life. He underwent two surgeries and are hoping and praying he will survive. The teen’s parents were told by detectives not to talk with the media right now for safety reasons, so Denver7 is respecting their wishes and not sharing their interview.
In Ring Camera video obtained from a neighbor, you can hear dozens of gunshots going off as soon as a blue SUV drove by a home where a house party was taking place on Dakin Street around 3 a.m. Saturday. You can also see a few people in the crowd firing back as the SUV drove away. Before the shooting happened, the SUV is spotted circling the home many times throughout the night.
The Adam’s County Sheriff’s office posted photos of a 2000’s model dark blue Chevy Tahoe used in the shooting, saying they’re unaware of the number of suspects in the vehicle and are asking for the public to give them a call at 720-322-1313 if they know anything.
As the community began processing the shooting, Dr. Pamela Swanson Superintendent of Westminster Public Schools on Sunday addressed the violence in a letter to parents and students: 'Early Saturday morning there was a tragic outbreak of gun violence at a house party in Adams County. The party involved young adults and students from the metro area, including some of our students. A young girl from another school district was killed during the incident.'
Scroll to the bottom of this story to read the full statement

Witnesses to the Violence
“We heard tons of bullets. Like you could hear the screaming. You can hear the glass breaking,” said family friend of a victim Annette Martinez. “It was like a shootout.”
Martinez says the teen lives in the home where the shooting happened with his mom and siblings. Martinez lost her son to gun violence last year, so she says this situation is a tough one to bear.
“He’s in the hospital fighting for his life. As a grieving mother you never want another parents to go through what you went through,” said Martinez. “Especially being a family friend, it hits close to home.”
“Neighbors have bullet holes in their windows,” said neighbor Amy Yang. “The neighbors have kids. If anything happened to them that’s terrifying.”
“How is it that so many kids were at the party with guns?” said Martinez. “We’re losing our kids to these guns. It is senseless. So senseless.”
Denver7 also spoke to the aunt of a 15-year-old girl also injured in the shooting over Facebook. She’s at North Suburban Hospital in Thornton. She says she underwent one surgery and is in critical condition.
Here’s a better view of the home where this shooting took place. Police confirm seven people were injured and one died. @DenverChannel
— Amy Wadas (@AmyWadas) October 15, 2022
The following is a letter from Dr. Pamela Swanson Superintendent of Westminster Public Schools
Early Saturday morning there was a tragic outbreak of gun violence at a house party in Adams County. The party involved young adults and students from the metro area, including some of our students. A young girl from another school district was killed during the incident.
Law enforcement officials continue to investigate the crime and identify suspects. They assure me that there is no reason to believe that any of our schools are at an increased risk because of what has happened.
News about this horrible event is widespread and it is important to remember that everyone reacts to it differently. Please remind your children that in spite of all the violence we hear about, schools are a very safe place. That said, they should always talk to an adult if they learn of concerning information or possible threats.
I met with police and district leaders on Sunday morning so that we would have a unified message for parents, staff and students when they return to school on Monday. Mental health experts will be available to anyone who needs help. The experts tell us that open and honest conversations are helpful.
There is also a very specific role that parents and guardians should play in helping to keep our children safe.
Adults should know where their children are and who they are with, at all times. Many families set firm curfews for their children. Some kids may push back or complain, many actually appreciate the fact they know the rules and know that setting a curfew is an act of love.
Sadly, we also live in a world where we have to talk about guns. I encourage you to have a direct conversation about the issue. Tell your children if they are at a party or event where there is a gun to leave immediately. Just as you would tell a child to never get into a car with a drunk driver, they should not be around weapons or people who carry weapons. As we have seen, too many children are injured or killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. For some, this may be an uncomfortable conversation, but it is a necessary one.
Westminster Public Schools is a strong community that pulls together in times like these. I am so grateful for the messages of support and the offers of help from community leaders. As we move forward, please remember that all of us have a role in keeping our children safe and healthy.
On Monday, North High School identified the student killed in the shooting as a 12th grader who was "deeply involved in the yearbook and had designed the cover of last year's book," according to a letter from principal German Echevarria.