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Hail injures more than a dozen turkey vultures in Yuma

The injured birds were taken to the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program in Fort Collins to be rehabilitated.
and last updated

YUMA, Colo. — The hailstorm that ripped through the small eastern-plains community of Yuma on Monday injured more than a dozen turkey vultures, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

The injured birds were taken to the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program in Fort Collins to be rehabilitated.

Turkey vultures – the only common vulture species in Colorado – return to our state in the spring and summer after wintering in Central and South America, according to the Boulder County Audubon.

Residents and business owners across Yuma were left cleaning up broken windows, windshields and siding after Monday’s hail storm. There were reports of golf ball and baseball sized hail that fell throughout the city, creating knee-deep piles of hailstones in some spots.

Hail as large as 4 inches in diameter fell not far away in Akron, according to Denver7 meteorologist Danielle Grant.


Colorado hail season: When and why we see so much hail

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