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Community support, holiday cards pour in for 9-year-old girl after tough year

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FREDERICK, Colo. — When we first introduced you to 9-year-old Alivia, things were pretty rough.

"My grandma passed away on Mother's Day, then slowly everything just kind of fell downhill," her mother, Kendra Decker, explained to us last week.

After a series of injuries and another death in the family, it became too much for the little girl. Her mom reached out to the community for help.

"I asked for Christmas cards, funny cards or stories of any kind. Just to take her mind off of it," Decker said at the time.

Denver7 was happy to help spread the word. We asked viewers to send letters for Alivia to the news station, and so many people across the state and the country did.

We delivered dozens of cards and packages to Alivia on Friday. We sat with her as she opened many of them.


Inside the pile of envelopes were notes of kindness, heartfelt crafts, funny jokes, small gifts and even two mix CDs of Christmas music. Her mother assured her they did still have a CD player to be able to listen to them.

The coffee table inside their living room was covered in well wishes, all from complete strangers who wanted to help.

"It just makes me happy to know that people care about me and want to help me," Alivia said.

The gestures helped turn this holiday season they were hoping to forget, into one that they'll always remember.

"It takes time for people to sit down and write them. They gave us some of their time that they'll never get back, but they gave it to us. That's a gift," said Decker.