Some troops serving in Afghanistan will be enjoying cookies baked by inmates at the Denver Jail.
The inmates made 600 cookies for care packages that were put together by workers at Denver International Airport.
It is not unusual for inmates to help bake items for charities. Their help is often requested, according to Simon Crittle with the Denver Sheriff Department.
The inmates help with a number of local events including the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving Dinner.
Airport employees are no strangers to helping out the troops.
They often do projects with the United Service Organizations (USO) which has an office located on the A Concourse, Level 4.
Employees collected homemade goodies, coffee, candy, cards and letters to fill the boxes, along with the 600 cookies.
The care packages for the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade stationed at Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, known as Task Force Mustang.
The local Helicopter unit features the airport's infamous blue mustang on its unit patch.