The moon will appear full for about three days. It started Sunday evening and will last until Wednesday morning, according to NASA. It's the first full moon of 2025, and it's known as the "wolf moon."
Photographers from across Colorado have tried their hand at capturing the celestial event.
Susan Waldron was the first to post a picture in our Discover Colorado Through Your Photos Facebook group. She shared the "waxing Wolf Moon rising over Stone Mountain in Lyons" at 2:49 p.m. Sunday.

Mike Skiff captured it over the tree tops on Sunday night in Castle Rock.

Then, George Hudetz kicked it off Monday morning with a snapshot of the full moon setting behind the mountains in Boulder County.

Michael Ryno got it looking east, with the moon rising over the downtown Denver skyline on Monday.

As it marked 24 hours of fullness, Steele Street Photography grabbed a photo of it from Brighton Colorado.
"Tonight, many photographers have chosen the incredible Wolf Moon as the subject of their photography," Steele Street Photography captioned his photo.

Jessica Warsick got a similarly urban view of the full moon rising over a chain link fence.

The full moon passed in front of Mars Monday night, reaching peak illumination. If you look closely in the bottom left-hand corner of M. Ginioisyan's photo, you can spot Mars.

Mars is a little bit more visible in Brian Fuselier's photo where you can see the planet close to the bottom left edge of the moon.
The moon is not easy to capture, even in its fullness, given how far away it is and how the light reacts to being photographed. But when you get a high quality snapshot, it's an accomplishment.
"This is my best shot of the moon yet so far," Brian Fuselier said.

Views From The Farm got a peak of it on Monday night as it was rising over the cows eating in Hereford, Colorado.

While the Views from the Farm picture was rather wholesome, some others definitely captured the essence of this moon's nickname.
Both Jeremy Daniel and Winston J Herbert shot scenes that looked like something out of a movie with wolves howling at the moon. Jeremy Daniel took the photo below in the San Luis Valley.

Winston J Herbert took the next photo from the Denver metro area in Lakewood.
"The full moon is called the wolf moon because of the idea that during January's long, cold and dark nights, wolves make sure everyone can hear them," Herbert said. "So tune your ears to those Canadian Wolves just released for those long howls!"

Tami Roberts got a snapshot of the moon behind the silhouette of a leafless tree and birds perched in its branches — with an almost Edgar Allen Poe-esque air about it.

Zach Vogel captured the wolf moon on a chilly evening in Breckenridge:

Susan Kelley took this snap in Red Feather Lakes:

And Wayne Redovian took this amazing photo in Vail:

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