At least one person was found dead at Chatfield State Park Tuesday morning, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said.
#JCSO conducting a body recovery/death investigation at Chatfield Reservoir. Unknown cause of death at this time.
— Jeffco Sheriff (@jeffcosheriffco) June 25, 2024
The cause of death has not yet been confirmed, according to the Jeffco sheriff's office.
SMFR, @cpw_ne and @jeffco are responding to a water rescue at Chatfield State Park. Updates to follow as information is confirmed.
— South Metro Fire Rescue (@SouthMetroPIO) June 25, 2024
South Metro Fire Rescue (SMFR), Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Jeffco Sheriff's Office were called to Chatfield Reservoir around 8:25 a.m. Tuesday for what SMFR called a "water rescue."
1 person found dead at Chatfield State Park, JeffCo sheriff says

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