Denver7 | Gives


70th Anniversary: Denver7 Gives anchors go toy shopping for kids, present $6,000 check to A Precious Child

Month-long giving campaign wraps up with toy donation
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70th Anniversary: Denver7 Gives anchors go toy shopping for kids, present $6,000 check to A Precious Child

DENVER — As the month of November comes to a close, Denver7 is wrapping up its 70th Anniversary campaign of giving. Four weeks, four worthy organizations and $7,000 to each of those organizations.

Our final week of giving took us on a shopping spree at Walmart with our entire Denver7 anchor squad.

Jason Gruenauer, Micah Smith, Amy Wadas, Jessica Porter and Jessica Crawford shopped for toys for several little ones.

“It feels really good to know how good these kids are going to feel to have something to open up,” Porter said.

“And it’s so nostalgic, too,” Crawford said. “Easy-Bake Oven, like what we had.”

“I hope every kid we shopped for today has an incredible time with their families and we’re so happy to be a part of it,” Porter said.

“Just knowing at the end of the day where this is going is the best thing,” Gruenauer said.

“You don’t want a child waking up on Christmas morning without a gift,” said Wadas.

From there, Denver7 personalities Gruenauer, Rob Harris and Russell Haythorn boxed up the toys and loaded them up to be delivered to A Precious Child in Broomfield.

70th Anniversary: Denver7 Gives anchors go toy shopping for kids, present $6,000 check to A Precious Child

That's where Denver7 anchor Shannon Ogden helped to unload the toys and also deliver a very large check.

“This is our 70th Anniversary at Denver7, so, each week we’re giving to groups that we love. And you know how I feel about you all,” Ogden said to the staff at A Precious Child. “We’re giving $7,000 to honor our seven decades of service, and our generous Denver7 Gives viewers have done it once again. And so, we bought $1,000 worth of toys, and then the remainder – if my math is correct – should be about $6,000. So, $6,000 to A Precious Child.”

“Happy holidays, everybody,” Crawford said.

Denver7 features the stories of people who need help and now you can help them with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions to the fund will be used to help people in our local community.

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