NewsDenver7 Everyday Hero


7Everyday Hero Beverly Maxwell helps new parents

Bright By Three Volunteer

Learning begins long before your child starts school. 

In fact, 85-percent of a baby's intellect, personality, and social skills are developed in the first three years of life. 

7Everyday Hero Beverly Maxwell is making sure new parents are prepared. 

She is a volunteer for Bright By Three, a nonprofit that provides parents and caregivers a three-step program to make sure their little ones get the best start in life. 

"Children are going through tremendous growth physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively in those earliest years.  There are over one million new neuro-connections every second in a child's brain," said Bright By Three V.P. Jared Wigdor. 

Maxwell has volunteered for Bright By Three for 15-years. 
She knows parenthood can be a challenge, especially for new parents. 

"Because many of us come into this not really knowing how to take care of children.  48-hours after I gave birth, they handed me this child to me and said, 'Have a good life!' I thought, 'Do you know how little I know about taking care of an infant or raising a baby?'" said Maxwell. 

"Beverly is very warm. She's very open, and she's not judgmental. This is about meeting parents where they are - regardless of where their knowledge or skills are around parenting - helping them understand some tips and materials and get them started on the right foot," said Wigdor. 

The beauty of Bright By Three is it operates on donations, and it is free. 

"It is for every child born in the state of Colorado," said Maxwell. 

Bright by Three makes home visits, but it can also pass along valuable parenting information via text messages. 

"Families can text the word bright to 274448 and get tips learning games and resources sent right to their cell phone," said Alexandria Hellrung, Bright By Three. 

The whole idea is to equip parents with useful information and give them confidence. 
And it's working. 

"This program is amazing. They give you so many positive parenting solutions.  I really love that book," said new mom, Jodi. 

"The one thing I really like too is it provides books that go along with the activity that you're doing," added new mom Audra. 

Bright By Three serves thousands of new parents in Colorado thanks to a team of volunteers like Beverly Maxwell. 

To learn more about Bright By Three click on

Mitch Jelniker anchors Denver7 in the mornings from 4:30 to 7 a.m. He also features a different 7Everyday Hero each week on 7NEWS. Follow Mitch on Facebook and Twitter. Nominate a 7Everyday Hero here.

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