NewsDenver7 360 | In-Depth News, OpinionDenver7 360 | Your Opinion


Share Your Opinion with Denver7 360 to be featured on Denver7

A submission can be any length but the preference is under 500 words and the text may be edited
and last updated

Have a 360 perspective you'd like to share with Denver7? Use the form below to react to a Denver7 360 report or share a unique, diverse opinion on any topic important to you. You could be featured on Denver7. A submission can be any length but the preference is under 500 words and the text may be edited. Many factors go into whether or not Denver7 will post a particular 'Your Opinion' including timeliness of the subject and other factors. Submissions must include full name and email and phone number for verification purposes only.

Your Opinion
Use the form below to share Your Opinion on a topic we've covered. Feel free to share an opinion on a topic of your choosing. The Denver7 360 team may share Your Opinion on Denver7 platforms on air and online. You can also email

Editor's Note: Denver7 360 stories explore multiple sides of the topics that matter most to Coloradans, bringing in different perspectives so you can make up your own mind about the issues. To comment on this or other 360 stories, email us at See more 360 stories here.