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This year's Colorado's allergy season could have a particularly rough start due to recent weather

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Spring has officially arrived in Colorado, and that means melting snow, warmer temperatures and yes, allergy season.

It could be a particularly rough start this year because of our recent weather.

All that snow we had at the end of last week is good news for our water supply, but not so good news when it comes to itchy eyes and runny noses. That's because all that snow is going to help grasses, trees and shrubs bloom and green up quickly.

The first allergen to exacerbate symptoms is tree pollen. That can stick around through May.

And then there is the grass pollen, which typically peaks in June.

Doctors say preparing now is the key to beating the pollen in the air.

"Don't wait until symptoms are at their worst," Dr. Mark Montano, an urgent care physician and Medical Director of CARENOW Urgent Care in Denver, said. "I would say start early, keep those symptoms at a minimum throughout the allergy season," Dr. Montano said.

Allergy season could have a particularly rough start due to recent weather

Aside from taking medications, there are things you can do at home to help with those seasonal allergies.

Keep your windows at home closed during peak pollen times, which can be in the middle of the afternoon and late evening, from 2 through 9 p.m. Avoid being outside during those peak times as well.

Change your clothes throughout the day as well. And take a shower before you go to bed, so you don't bring the pollen to bed with you.

Dr. Montano said this time of year, a lot of people confuse the symptoms and are not sure if they have a cold, or if they are suffering from allergies. He said if you have a temperature, you likely are not suffering from allergies.

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