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Hot and dry conditions will continue across Colorado through the weekend

A shift in the pattern will bring cooler, wetter weather next week
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The hot and dry weather pattern remains in place, with very little rain in store over the weekend.

Smoke from the fires in Boulder, Larimer and Jefferson Counties will continue to spread over the I-25 corridor and across northeast Colorado. We are also seeing smoke from California and Canadian fires filter into the state.

A dome of high pressure continues to cover the Rocky Mountain region. Through Sunday, this bubble of hot air will continue to block any cooling fronts from bringing down temperatures or producing precipitation.

The chance for any moisture appears to be quite spotty. They could cause more trouble, though, due to wind and lightning. Be very careful with any burnable materials.

The extended outlook will get cooler next week as this hot air dome will weaken and shift to the west, allowing some cooler air to flow into the region. Starting Monday, there will be a better chance for thunderstorms and highs will drop a little.

Hot and dry conditions will continue across Colorado through the weekend

Later in the week, highs will drop into the 80s and even upper 70s with a better chance for showers and thunderstorms.

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