We all know it can be difficult to say goodbye to summer. And if the end of summer meant going to sleep for months? You’d probably do what these furry dudes are doing: Take one last dip in the pool, even if it’s October.
An animal protection officer with the Boulder Police Department caught a playful pair of bears on video during their unauthorized backyard swim. One bear seems more excited about the free pool pass than the other and slips into the water without a care. His pal is more cautious, though, and daintily dips his claws.

Naturally, because they’re bears, a small wrestling match ensues on the pool deck. They’re lucky there’s no lifeguard on duty or some sharp whistles would be blasted their way.
You can’t really blame the guys for sneaking in a swim: Temperatures that day hit the 80s, though it was just “the warm before the storm” as the locals say. The very next day the area was blanketed in snow and temps plunged into the 20s. On some level, the bears may have known this was their last splash until next year!
Frankly, I’m surprised the homeowners still had their pool open in October, and with a snowstorm bearing down — an autumn snowfall is pretty common in the Denver/Boulder area. Hopefully bear hair isn’t too tough to get out of the pool filters.

Boulder Police tweeted out the video during the snowstorm the following day, hashtagging it as a Throwback Thursday post. “#TBT to yesterday’s perfect pool party weather,” the department wrote.
#TBT to yesterday’s perfect pool party weather in #Boulder pic.twitter.com/RGDQwAmEwh
— Boulder Police Dept. (@boulderpolice) October 10, 2019
Winter is just around the corner, so these bears must have needed a quick break from their pre-hibernation feasting. Let’s hope this mischievous duo gets to bed nice and refreshed so they can party again in the spring! Maybe in a natural body of water, though.
This story originally appeared on Simplemost. Checkout Simplemost for other great tips and ideas to make the most out of life.