DENVER -- Every fall, cities with winning Super Bowl teams see baby booms. And this year it's Denver's turn.
Super Bowl babies are arriving at hospitals all around the metro area. Tyler Eppolito and Sam Duchesne were both born in late October at Parker Adventist Hospital.
"I was really excited because I knew this was a Super Bowl baby and I had heard about the statistics for that," said Sam's mom, Jennah Duchesne. She's also a labor and delivery nurse and Parker Adventist.
"My thought was, 'Well nine months from now I’m going to be delivering all the Broncos Super Bowl babies.' But here I am one of them!" she said.
Jennah had to work on Super Bowl Sunday, so her husband, Joel, recorded the game and they watched it together.
"I had to keep away from social media and not look at my text messages or anything because we didn’t start the game until a little after, and watched it on the DVR at home -- just the two of us," said Joel.
Craig and Katie Eppolito watched most of Super Bowl 50 with family before going home early to put their other daughter to bed. They say there were in a celebratory mood after the Broncos won.
"No big party, just party at the house," said Craig.
Both families say the new arrivals will be Broncos fans.