If you’re a recent or soon-to-be college graduate who would rather spend the next year traveling the country than looking for a typical 9-to-5 job, Planters Peanuts has an opportunity you may want to check out.
Mr. Peanut is looking for a chauffeur to drive him from coast to coast in Planters’ NUTmobile: a 26-foot-long peanut on wheels.
Open to recent college graduates, the Planters “Peanutter” job includes — among other duties — driving the Planters NUTmobile, representing the Planters brand in media interviews and appearances with local radio, television and digital publications, and talking with fans while “ensuring all attendees and onlookers have a nutty time.”
You’ll be working alongside people who perform acts of service for their communities at volunteer projects and will be traveling to a new city every week — all while enjoying all the Planters Nuts your heart desires, of course.

To be considered for the job, you must have a bachelor’s degree, preferably focused in sales or marketing, with preferred experience in communications, advertising, public relations or a related field. You also need a valid driver’s license and, of course, must be comfortable with daily travel on the road.
As part of the team, you should also be outgoing, creative, friendly and have an appetite for adventure. The full-time paid position is for one year, from June 2023 through June 2024. You have until Feb. 14 to apply.

If you’d rather drive a giant hot dog around than a peanut, you might consider a different job for recent college grads: Oscar Mayer is currently looking for “Hotdoggers” that, if accepted, get to drive their one-of-a-kind, 27-foot Wienermobile to travel and “meat” Oscar Mayer fans around the country.
The Hotdoggers are employed as a paid, full-time employee of Oscar Mayer for one year. The gig also includes benefits (or bun-efits, as the company calls them). You have until Jan. 31 to apply.

Will you be applying for a job as a Planters Peanutter?
This story originally appeared on Don't Waste Your Money. Checkout Don't Waste Your Money for product reviews and other great ideas to save and make money.