

So you've heard the Wienermobile is in Colorado. Here's where you can see it

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DENVER – You’ve probably heard that the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile is currently traveling across Colorado. If you haven’t, then you’ve been living under a metaphorical rock. Or you don’t use Twitter.

The vehicle, with a mission to deliver “a better hot dog in every hand,” was at the King Soopers on Constitution Avenue in Colorado Springs from early in the day until early in the afternoon on Wednesday, with plans to cruise our state until next Sunday.

So where can you spot it next?! The folks over at the Denver Post’s The Know actually… know.

The Weinermobile will stop in Denver this Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the King Soopers on 10406 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Then, on Aug. 12, it will be at the King Soopers in Parker. The address is 17761 Cottonwood Drive. It will be there from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Finally, on Aug. 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., it will make its final Colorado stop at the King Soopers located at 5544 Promenade Parkway in Castle Rock.

The Oscar Mayer website states they’re touring the country to announce some big changes to their hot dogs, like removing artificial preservatives in all of their meat as well as removing by-products.

Six different Weinermobiles are driving across the U.S. at any time.