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Palestine and Israel supporters in Colorado Springs argue how to end war in Gaza

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The Colorado Springs People's Coalition rallied in support of Palestine at Acacia Park Monday. Others came to support Israel.

Both groups said they want the violent war in Gaza to end, but argue about who they think should back down first.

"Cease fire now, cease fire now," the group who stood with Palestine screamed. "Bring back our hostages," yelled one Israel supporter.

The war between Israel and Hamas has impacted many people living in Colorado Springs.

"[It] hits deeply for me being Chicano and understanding the similarities between the occupation here and the occupation in Palestine," said the coalition's founder Brandon Rincon.

"My family lives in Israel, my cousin's son is actually in the military... and he's serving in Gaza right now," Israel supporter Shimon Kohn said.

About 50 people from the coalition chanted, 'Free Palestine.'

A few Israel supporters said they wanted to be there to show solidarity in the Jewish community.

"I wanted to come here to protest, so we got a small group together here making sure that a lot of people understand there are two sides to this," Kohn said.

"The people united will never be defeated," Rincon chanted. He said he hopes the new year brings peace.

"How we can just go back to work, how could we just keep shopping, how could we just do all this when this [war] is going on," Rincon said.

But until then, both parties will continue their fight stateside.

"I'm glad we live in a country where we can both be out here showing our positions," Kohn said.

The rally and march was the start of the coalition's week-long stand with Palestine. The coalition will host events every day through Jan. 7. A few Israel supporters said they plan to go too.

Rally held to support Palestine to begin the new year