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Hunting bans for poachers who killed Colorado bear at landfill

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ASPEN, Colo. (AP) — A father and son who pleaded guilty to poaching a bear at a landfill in western Colorado have been banned from hunting and fishing in most of the United States.

The Aspen Times reports 56-year-old Dan Roe was banned for 20 years, and 28-year-old Alex Roe was banned for 15 at a Colorado Parks and Wildlife hearing in August. They appealed the ruling, but the penalty took effect after they failed to attend a February hearing.

Investigators say the Roes, of Tipton, Indiana, were hunting with a valid permit in September 2016 but killed the bear on Pitkin County landfill property that was outside the hunting zone. The men were accused of taking the bear's hide and head before covering up the carcass with trash and leaving it to rot.