

Republican-led House handily defeats GOP immigration bill supported by Trump

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-led House has killed a broad, GOP-written immigration bill. The rejection was expected because of Republican divisions and solid Democratic opposition.

The defeat reflects GOP worries over alienating conservatives, whom they'll need in this fall's elections. The bill would give some immigrants brought illegally to the U.S. as children a chance for citizenship, and that's anathema to hard-right voters.

The 301-121 vote came despite President Donald Trump tweeting his eleventh-hour support.

Trump's views on the issue have repeatedly flip-flopped. Some GOP lawmakers had become nervous about backing the package for fear that he might change his mind again, putting them on the wrong side of Trump backers.

The bill would finance Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, limit legal immigration and curb the separation of migrant families.