COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Voters not in tune with everything politics may not even know what the Green Party is. That's the party Dr. Jill Stein represents. It's the party that is based on principles like social justice and protecting the environment.
The trouble for Stein? She's not well-known. She represents the party that hardly gets any airtime, the party that does not spend millions on ad campaigns, the party hidden behind the big two candidates from the two big parties.
But there is a market for Stein, one with plenty of devout supporters.
New numbers show more and more Colorado voters are registering Green and Libertarian. Right now there are more than 11,000 registered Green Party voters and 35,000 registered Libertarian voters.
That's not enough to win a presidency, but that is not stopping Dr. Stein from hitting the campaign trail.
She joined her supporters at a Colorado Springs park Saturday afternoon.
"I want to thank you for refusing to be silenced, for refusing to be discouraged," Stein said to the group.
"One of the reasons we're standing with Jill is we want open debates," said supporter Shawna Lease. "We want third parties to get the opportunity to say what they have to say and not be constantly force fed Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump."
Dr. Stein has her points of debate like climate change, fossil fuel production and the military. She hopes her message resonates to the important unaffiliated voter.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Stein says "Forget the lesser evil... fight for the greater good."
If you ask a Stein supporter if she can pull off an upset in November, they'll say yes.
"The Green party is the only party facing up to the realities of the world today," said supporter Bob Kinsey.
Stein will finish off her visit to Colorado on Sunday. She will be in Denver and Boulder.
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