
Don't snap that selfie: Here's what you cannot do at Colorado polling places on Election Day

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DENVER -- It might be best to leave your cell phone at home if you plan to vote in person on Nov. 8, as several Colorado laws could put a damper on your Election Day experience this year. The selfie rule also applies to anyone filling out a mail-in ballot.

With more than 3 million registered voters across the state, many may find it interesting to know there's some things you are not allowed to do when choosing to vote in person. 

No ID? Good luck voting on Nov. 8 if you're going to the polls

This is common sense, but many voters often forget their ID because they are in a hurry. In short, all voters who vote in-person must provide identification in order to vote at a polling place. 

Here's a list of the acceptable forms of ID that will be allowed during Election Day in Colorado.

Take a ballot selfie, break the law 

Colorado law prohibits voters from showing their completed ballot to others -- and this includes the so-called "ballot selfie."

The law found at §1-13-712 in the Colorado Revised Statutes states the following:

"No voter shall show his ballot after it is prepared for voting to any person in such a way as to reveal its contents." 

Doing so is a misdemeanor and you could be punished with a fine of up to $1,000 or spend a year in Colorado county jail... or both. Despite the penalties it is doubtful the Denver District Attorney would choose to prosecute anyone. His spokesperson said, "There’s no threat of prosecution in that announcement from the district attorney."

You can read the law in its entirety here

Note: Some county clerks in Colorado do not allow cameras, cell phones and other electronic devices inside the polling place.

Be careful what you wear on Election Day

Voters are not allowed to wear pins, t-shirts, hats, or other apparel that displays a preference for a candidate, political party, or ballot question.

No, you're also not allowed to wear political satire clothing to the event (e.g. "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts, "Make Donald Drumpf Again" caps, or "Hillary for Prison" pins).


Everything you need to know to vote in the 2016 General Election in Colorado

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