

His mom didn't want him to announce his Disneyland proposal on Facebook, so he went to Reddit

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ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Eugene Williams' mom didn’t want him to announce his Disneyland engagement to his boyfriend on Facebook, so he complied. 

Instead, he posted the photo of his Splash Mountain proposal to Reddit, where it was upvoted thousands of times and garnered more than 1,400 heartwarming comments.

"My mom told me not to post it on Facebook because she’s ashamed of me, so I’m posting it here for the world to see!” Williams titled the thread that he started Wednesday.

(Proposal Pic) My mom told me not to post it on Facebook because she’s ashamed of me, so I’m posting it here for the world to see! from gaybros

Williams said his niece and nephews helped him make a colorful proposal sign a few months ago before he and his partner visited Disneyland on Tuesday.

"He had no idea I was proposing, and I told him that we should make ‘shocked’ faces for the camera,” Williams wrote on Reddit. "Little did he know I was going to be behind him proposing with a sign! I quickly hid the sign away after the drop, and when we exited the ride we walked to see our photo and he was shocked." 

Williams got down on one knee and asked his boyfriend to spend the rest of his life with him.

And he said yes.

"I didn’t even receive a congratulations from my parents, so it was very heartbreaking for me,” Williams told Upworthy.

However, the Reddit community responded with overwhelming positivity.

"As a middle-aged straight guy who subscribes to this sub because my son is not quite sure of his sexuality and I want to keep an open mind, I am often blown away by the overwhelming warmth of love I see on this sub,” user Einstien420 wrote. "I am legitimately sorry your mom can't feel the happiness that you have here. Shedding a No Homo manly tear for you right now and congrates (sic) to you and your partner."

Read the original Reddit thread here.