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Michigan's flavored e-cigarette ban was blocked. But the fight over vaping isn't over


The fight over the future of vaping isn't over in Michigan.

In September, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer made Michigan the first state to ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes.

The governor argued the flavors lead to teen vaping.

Michigan vape shops fought back and got a judge to block the ban.

The preliminary injunction is a win for the businesses, but the governor is vowing the fight isn't over yet.

"Ninety-percent of the products we sell are e-flavored," says Ron Pease.

Pease is the CEO of Mister-E-Liquid in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The ban the governor put in place would cause major damage to his business.

"We have 70 employees so that would impact all 70 employees," Pease says.

While Whitmer argues vaping attracts youth, Pease disagrees.

"That's the wrong path because the target demographic here at Mister-E-Liquid is 35 to 55,” Pease says.

The judge that issued the temporary ban cited the damage it would do to businesses like at Mister-E-Liquid.

Michigan's governor isn't backing down, vowing to take the case to the Supreme Court.

This means a court ruling that lets vape shops sell their flavored liquids now does not mean they will continue to be on shelves forever.

"You can’t take away 80-90 percent of your gross sales and still sport the same business as you did before, that’s economics 101," Pease says.

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