COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, “We have to be vigilant.”
He began his speech at the Springs airport on Saturday evening, with a mention of an explosion in New York.
“It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our world and in our country,” he said, “and we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant and we’re going to end it.”
He then mentioned a new poll showing him up four points in Colorado. The crowd, estimated at nearly two-thousand, roared its approval.
Trump said his economic agenda can be summed up in “three beautiful words... jobs, jobs, jobs.”
He told supporters, “We’re going to have a big league tax reduction and a reduction in job-killing regulations and raise your incomes way up high.”
Last November, Trump told GOP debate moderator Neil Cavuto, “taxes too high, wages too high,” when asked if he supported a $15 minimum wage.
Trump also told supporters that he will make school choice more widely available, end common core and illegal immigration, and repeal and replace Obamacare.
The crowd roared again.
He repeated lines from previous speeches where he said, “We don’t win anymore,” in anything. “Peace through strength,” he said. “America first.”
The crowd began chanting, “USA, USA, USA.”
When the GOP candidate mentioned Hillary Clinton, the crowd changed its chant to, “Lock her up. Lock her up.”
Trump also talked about people being victimized by residents who are in this country illegally.
“The government has failed them in their most basic duty,” he said. “We’re going to stop the crime and the illegal drugs pouring across our border.”
He also mentioned companies that are sending jobs overseas.
He said if they do that and try to sell their goods here in the U.S., “there will be a 35 percent tax on their products.” Trump did not mention anything about goods sold under his name in the U.S. that were manufactured overseas.
After the rally, Danielle Garcia and Seth Browne told Denver7 that the jobs message was the most important.
“This whole country is suffering right now. We need it so badly,” Garcia said. “Eight years ago, I think we were better off that we are now. That’s a bad thing.”
“I believe in what he says and I believe he will bring jobs back,” Browne said. “He’s a businessman and we need it. Our country is hurting right now.”
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