

Venezuelan couple shares journey to find jobs after obtaining work permits in Colorado

Denver7 tagged along with Adriana Colmenares and Pedro Franco, a couple searching for jobs after obtaining their work permits
Adriana and Pedro
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DENVER — A couple from Venezuela is sharing their job search journey after they both recently obtained their work permits in Colorado.

Adriana Colmenares and her partner Pedro Franco have been in Denver since November but arrived in the United States a few months prior to that.

Both finally obtained their work permits earlier this month and have been actively searching for jobs ever since.

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Legal process migrants in Denver must go through to obtain a work permit

Katie Parkins

“During the day, we walk and at night, we apply to the jobs where they told us we need to apply online," said Colmenares, in Spanish. “That’s what we’re doing, day by day, until the moment comes.”

Colmenares said the biggest obstacle when applying for jobs has been the language barrier but said the couple has been taking steps to learn English through videos online and language-learning apps.

On Tuesday, our Denver7 crew tagged along with the two as they were searching for jobs on foot in Denver's Sunnyside neighborhood.

The couple stopped by a manufacturing warehouse when they noticed a "Help Wanted" sign outside.

At that time, Franco decided to go in and fill out an application.

About 20 minutes later, he walked out with the news that he had been offered a job on the spot.

Venezuelan couple shares journey to find jobs after obtaining work permits in Colorado

"I filled out the application, they said to bring my documents tomorrow — originals, so they could verify them and I can start tomorrow," Franco said in Spanish.

He said as long as they would be able to verify his paperwork, he'd be able to stop at work Wednesday morning at 6 a.m.

The offer came as a huge relief for the couple after a long past few months.

"One will struggle for a week looking for a job and they tell you no everywhere. And you get depressed, but if you stay positive, it is possible to push forward," Franco added in Spanish.

Later in the day, Franco also got the news that he had received a job interview at a restaurant he applied to a few weeks ago.

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