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Two time cancer survivor raising funds, supporting others through Colorado NovemBeard campaign

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DENVER -- In December in Colorado, it's not uncommon to see men growing out a beard, but Bob Golden's beard isn't just something he's growing for the season. A two-time melanoma survivor, Bob is growing out his beard this November to raise awareness about the disease and money to help fight it.

"At the American Cancer Society, we do a lot of events to raise funds and my primary one has always been the Relay for Life, which was canceled this year due to the pandemic," Bob told Denver7's Russell Haythorn during a recent interview. "The [executive director], Kelly [Moran], called me and said, 'I need you to grow a beard in November,' and I said 'OK.'"

Bob and Russellare both taking part in this year's Colorado NovemBeard event. Russell's dad beat cancer seven times. Bob has taken on melanoma twice in the past decade and a half.

"Second time around was stage four, and I was very fortunate. I had tumors in my body and I was very fortunate to get involved in a clinical trial at UCH Anschutz with Dr. Rene Gonzales and Karl Lewis," Bob recalled. "I don't know what to tell you, Russell, other than I'm one of the fortunate ones and I'm grateful and thankful every day."

Now a member of the Colorado board for the American Cancer Society, Bob focuses his efforts on helping others -- raising money that funds not only research that could some day stop cancer in its tracks, but money for programs that directly help patients by helping educate them about the disease and provide transportation to doctor appointments and treatments. It's direction he doesn't know if he would be on if he had never been diagnosed with cancer.

"It was quite the experience, changed my life, and put a lot of focus on what the American Cancer Society does," Bob added.

You can help in the fight against cancer by donating to the American Cancer Society through the Colorado NovemBeard campaign. You can donate directly to Bob, Russellor any of the other participants on the Colorado NovemBeard page.