

Tiny home village will not go forward at Denver church

Focus is now on an alternative site

DENVER -- Plans for a tiny home village at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will not go forward after an application was denied.

Denver's Landmark Preservation Commission voted down the application for a temporary village in the church's parking lot. The decision only took into account the design and not how the buildings would be used.

According to the commission, the plans did not meet guidelines for the historic district. The commission took issue with the scale, size, and number of buildings.

A spokesperson for St. Andrew's Church said it is committed to working with the Colorado Village Collaborative to find an alternative site.

Interest and enthusiasm for the village continues to grow and to date, substantial funds have been raised from national and local foundations, community fund raisers, individual donors and numerous churches and other non-profit entities to support this project.  While the Landmark Commission’s decision is a disappointment, it will not derail this crucial project.    

The project was supposed to provide temporary homes to homeless women and the LGBTQ community.