One of the more unnerving aspects of the traffic stop that ended with a Denver police officer getting shot, was the apparent carjacking of an innocent motorist, in the drive thru line at a local bank.
The victim told Denver 7 that she was trying to make a deposit when a man jumped into her car and tried to make her drive away.
"I started screaming, 'No, I don't want to do it,'" she said. "Then he pushed me out and took my car."
Last month, three robbers pulled a heist at a bank in Lakewood, then broke into a garage nearby and waited for the homeowner to return. When he did, they carjacked him, and then shot him in the back when he refused to become their hostage.
Shortly afterwards, Lakewood Police Department spokesman Steve Davis told Denver 7 that carjackings were becoming more frequent and more violent.
On Wednesday, Denver 7 asked Denver, Lakewood and Aurora for statistics on how many carjackings there have been so far this year.
Lakewood and Denver PD said it will take some time to get that information. Aurora PD said there have been 29 carjackings in that city so far this year.
Records supplied by Aurora show carjackings occurring in parking lots and garages, on highway or roadways and at convenience stores and night clubs.
"Every carjacking is unique," said Ofc. Crystal McCoy, of the Aurora Police Department. "So, it's hard to tell people what to do."
"This is the first time I remember from a teller line," said Commander Ron Saunier of the Denver Police Department, "but people parking in front of their house to pulling into the 7-Eleven can be targets.
Lakewood Police Detective Tim Marquez said every carjacking is a dynamic situation.
"You don't know what the suspect is thinking," he said.
Police are hesitant to make specific suggestions on what you should do if confronted by a carjacker, other than do what you feel is the safest.
Both Denver and Aurora Police say keeping your windows rolled up and doors locked may make you less of a target, if a carjacker is looking for an easy victim.
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