DENVER — DENVER — If you’ve tried booking an RV recently you may have run into voicemail message or employee telling you they're all booked.
That’s because many Coloradans are antsy to get out again and travel now that stay-at-home orders are loosening.
Co-owner of Colorado Camper Rental, Jessica Black, said they've been inundated with reservations.
"As soon as camping restrictions were lifted we have been super busy with rentals booking for the summer, booking for the week of, sometimes booking for the day," Black said.
Traveling by RV may be your safest bet this summer.
Allowing families to travel a driving distance away from their homes to an isolated location but locking one down might be the hardest part.
Dale Swanson said he has been camping with his family for years but this summer he’s expecting even more camping trips than usual.
"People got vacations cancelled they got a lot of money to spend," Swanson said. "They want to do something, you know, all the water parks are closed everything is shut down. There’s really not much else to do except hang around in your yard or camp."
Colorado Parks and Wildlife has seen the increase first hand.
About 7,000 more reservations have been made at their campgrounds compared to last year.
Maybe not the summer vacation everyone planned it is a low-risk trip all can enjoy.
"Well, I’d say I’d recommend it but I don’t want anybody else to do it because it’s going to be too crowded but it’s a lot of fun you know, it’s nice family entertainment" Swanson said.