A mountain lion was euthanized Monday after killing a family's dog and threatening human life, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
The mountain lion killed the Kortas's family dog, Maison, in Steamboat Springs.
One of the family's daughters stumbled across the mountain lion while looking for the dog. Fortunately, the girl was not hurt.
Her mother wrote on Facebook, "We feel so unbelievably blessed our daughter was unharmed."
"Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Steamboat Springs Police responded to the scene and determined the cat remained under a raised portion of the home after the killing of the family pet," officials said. "CPW wildlife officers left the cat overnight, anticipating it would leave the area and minimize the families safety concerns. However, upon return the mountain lion was still lodged under the home nearly eight hours later."
"This is odd behavior for an animal that usually moves away from any sort of human contact,” said CPW Area Wildlife Manager Jim Haskins. “Our priority is human safety. Small children in the area and the animals unwillingness to relocate demonstrated profound risk.”
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