

Is that pot business licensed? You can check

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Want to know if your neighbor has a license to run a marijuana business in Colorado?

Want to see how many marijuana businesses are in your area?

Now there's a website where you can check.

The Colorado Department of Revenue, Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) has two new search functions on its website.

One search lets you conduct a "facility" search to view business licensesassociated with retail and medical marijuana. You can search your zip code to find businesses near you.

Another search allows you to look up a person's name to see if they have a license.

"State law requires that anyone working within, or owning, a Colorado Medical or Retail Marijuana business must first undergo a background check and meet specific standards based on the level of influence they have in the business," according to the Department of Revenue.

There are two types of occupational licenses, support and key. Officials said support licensees are employees that conduct general frontline operations for a business, while key licensees are employees that have a more influential role in a business such as a manager or master grower. 


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