LONGMONT, Colo. — Police in Longmont are searching for a suspect and vehicle involved in three crimes that they said are likely related.
It started at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, when a car pulled in front of the King Soopers on N. Main Street in Longmont. A person in the car fired some type of flare into the store before the driver fled in the car, said Joel Post with the Longmont Police Department. Nobody was injured.
About five minutes later, a car drove in front of a house on Pratt Street and a person in the car fired a flare into that home. Just like before, the driver then fled from the scene, Post said. Nobody was hurt in this second incident, though the house had minor damage inside.
At 6:10 a.m., a person in a car fired a flare into a field on Airport Road. The subsequent fire was small and quickly extinguished, Post said.
He said Longmont police believe these three cases are connected because they all involved a flare and the suspect vehicle — a dark-colored sedan — had a similar description in each instance.
During the night, police received a report that a maroon-colored Chevy Impala had been stolen from the east side of Longmont. Police said this vehicle is similar to the suspect vehicle. The stolen car has a Minnesota license plate. The plate number is 421-MGJ.
This is a developing story. Stay with Denver7 for updates.