

Strong effort to court Latinos in caucuses


Making phone calls in both English and Spanish, supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are making a last effort to win supporters in Tuesday’s caucuses.

It’s part of an aggressive effort by Colorado Democrats to court Latino voters in the state.

New data from Pew Research reveals a record 27.3 million Hispanic voters are eligible to participate in the race for President nationwide.

It's the largest share of any racial or ethnic group, according to Pew.

Both Clinton and Sanders are spending money on Colorado commercials.  Yet, those on the front lines say it's the one-on-one contact that matters most on the night before the caucuses.

"The phone calls, the door to door visits, do they really make a difference do you think?” asked Denver7 reporter Marc Stewart.

“They absolutely make a difference.  In fact, that is the only way to really reach people," said Sanders supporter Estevan Flores.

"I've been working campaigns for over 30 years and grassroots has always won the campaigns," said Clinton supporter Mannie Rodriguez.

Among Latinos who are Democrats, the issues of importance extend beyond immigration.  Education, jobs and health care are also top of mind. 

These personal conversations are chance for campaigns to clear up their positions.

"They like talking to a real person and so when you're there at their door, they can ask any question that they want to,” said Flores.

"It's personal.  I mean, it's a conversation between two people that live in the same community," said Rodriguez.

There are more than three thousand precincts across Colorado for the caucuses.  Learn more about the caucus process and where you can caucus here.


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