DENVER – Tuesday, Sept. 26 is National Voter Registration Day.
If you’re not registered to vote in the next election, now is a great time to do so. Colorado makes it easy and you have a number of ways to register:
Via mail
Fill out this form and then mail it in
The Colorado Secretary of State’s website allows you to register online
At the DMV
If you’re getting a new driver’s license or renewing one, you can choose to register to vote while you’re at the DMV
At your local elections office
Rather register in person? Stop by your county elections office and fill out a form
At a military recruitment center
You can also stop by the nearest military recruitment center to register to vote
Colorado also allows same-day registrations, so you don’t have to worry about registering ahead of time; you can do so at your local polling place.
A presidential election just took place last November so voting may not be top of mind for many, but the coming election carries many important local measures and races. In Denver, for example, voters will decide on nearly $1 billion worth of general obligation bond projects, including more than $400 million in transportation-related work.
"These can directly affect your property values," said Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams. "Whether you think your neighborhood has too many potholes or the schools need more funding -- or you're happy with the way your local government is being run and want to see your leaders reelected -- you only get a say if you register and cast a ballot."
Election Day is Nov. 7, 2017. Ballots will go out beginning on Oct. 16.
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