

Heat forces Denver DMV branches to close early Friday

Many forced to stand outside due to COVID-19 precautions; temps near 100 Friday
and last updated

DENVER – All Denver Motor Vehicle branch locations were forced to stop accepting new clients at 12:30 p.m. Friday because of the 90+ degree temperatures in the city.

Since DMV lobbies cannot hold many people due to COVID-19 requirements, people have had to wait in line outside to be served. Temperatures are expected to reach 100 degrees in Denver, so the city stopped accepting new customers at 12:30 p.m.

The city is asking those turned away or who are unable to visit because of Friday’s early closure to visit next week, go online to finish their transactions, or drop completed paperwork at drop boxes.

Temperatures in the 90s are expected again next week, so the city says it is trying to find a way to deal with the record number of customers DMV branches have seen since they reopened in a safe manner.

The city says that in six days since the branches formally reopened, they have seen about 9,000 transactions.

Find more information on options to do what you need to without visiting a branch in person by clicking here.