DENVER -- In an interview with Denver7 Thursday, Governor John Hickenlooper expressed reservations sales of marijuana could be curbed or eliminated under the Trump administration.
Watch the full interview in the player embedded below.
"It’s certainly concerning. Attorney General Sessions, he hasn’t held back on his opinion that marijuana is dangerous and causes crime," said Hickenlooper.
Sessions, who has made derogatory comments in the past concerning marijuana, made these remarks just this week: “I as you know am dubious about marijuana. States can pass whatever laws they choose but I'm not sure we're going to be a better healthier nation if we have marijuana being sold at every grocery store. i just don't think that's going to be good for us,” he said.
"You have an Attorney General who is still adamantly opposed to it. And as we have seen, this is not an administration that is afraid to do bold things,” said Denver7 reporter Marc Stewart during the interview with the Governor.
"They are not cautious in that sense of just shooting from the hip. This would be [a] circumstance where they would benefit greatly by taking a little bit more time -- let's get the real facts, let's sort through this, let's not do something for a big dramatic political effect, let's try and get it right," he said.
Hickenlooper was not initially a supporter of legalization, but he says he is an advocate for the state Constitution.
"What would happen to the state, to Colorado, if that were to occur?” asked Stewart.
"I think there would be a lot of outrage. People would, you know, storm the barricades," he said. "I think people would feel that the state's Constitution was being kicked aside."
Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman has invited U.S Attorney General Sessions to Colorado for an educational visit focusing on marijuana in our state.
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