BERTHOUD, Colo. -- John Hannig is all about helping others.
“I’m just looking out for the community and everybody else,” he said.
He has a reputation as a big man with a big heart.
“He would give his shirt off his back for anybody,” his wife, Colleen Hannig, told Denver7 recently. “John’s always helped everybody else,” friend Steve Bedker added.
But it's Hannig who needs help now.
“Really crazy. Never thought I’d be in this predicament. But whatever it takes to overcome this, I will,” Hannig said.
Over the weekend, his friends organized a bike run to help Hannig with his medical bills.
You see, Hannig lost his left foot over a decade ago after a work accident and an infection. Then this year, diabetes and overwork caused him to lose his right foot, too.
“Second one was amputated on 24th of July this year. So in 12 years, John has gone thru a lot. Thirteen, fourteen surgeries every six months,” Colleen said.
His friends want to use the money from the bike run for home modifications and an accessible vehicle.
“If you need help, John will step in and help you. But now it’s time to step in for him because he can’t step anymore,” Bedker said.
“It’s amazing to me. The love of the community. I’m so thankful for them. I appreciate them from the bottom of my heart,” Colleen added
Hannig, who adopted two boys in his 50's says he doesn't feel sorry for himself and he doesn't let his condition stop him.
“I’m grateful for everything I have in my life. For each of these people to be here for me, I love each and every one of them. It’s incredible that my community can be like this. I’m pretty proud to be here. Life is good and my community is amazing,” Hannig said.