

Free store in Five Points neighborhood helps the homeless bundle up; here's how you can help

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DENVER — The first snow of the season is also a reminder that there are many in our communities that are struggling to keep warm: the homeless. One store in Denver’s Five Points neighborhood is trying to help, knowing their impact is even greater when the snow starts to fall.

“I’m sure we’ve all been out in the cold. But you probably haven’t been homeless in the cold,” volunteer Lee told Denver7.

Lee helps out at the Impact Humanity store on Welton Street. It’s a small, one-room boutique of clothing racks and shelves, stocked with all sorts of clothing items.

“Someone walks in we say, ‘What are you shopping for today?’ Except everything is absolutely free,” Lee said.

The store is the brainchild of Travis Smith, who opened it in March of 2018.

“This looks like any other boutique down here in Five Points. It doesn’t look like the homeless store,” he told Denver7 in March.

That’s the point, according to Smith. To provide a dignified shopping experience. And though the store is open year-round, once winter weather arrives, the need increases.

“It’s triple,” according to Lee the volunteer.

The store is staffed by mostly volunteers and is stocked by donations. And though ‘Impact’ helps fill a need in the winter, they are also in need themselves, looking for both volunteers and donations.

If you would like to learn more, or to look at a wishlist of needed donations, head to