

Five Things You Need to Know: June 15, 2017


DENVER -- Good morning! Here's what you need to know today, Thursday, June 15.

1. Full-scale emergency exercise begins
Emergency planners, responders and volunteers throughout Colorado will be participating in a three-day, full-scale exercise. The drills, which are designed to test community response procedures, begin Thursday.

2. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Elder abuse can be expected to grow as the population ages. The purpose of the day is to bring awareness to the problem of abuse and neglect of older persons.

3. Dead Dog Fire more than 50 percent contained
The Dead Dog Fire in Rio Blanco County is 60 percent contained. The total size of the fire stands at 17,731 acres.

4. Rapid Response Network for undocumented immigrants
A new 24-hour hotline and network will launch in Colorado. The service will help undocumented immigrants will help answer questions related to ICE raids and investigations. 

5. The Bachelor auditions to take place in Denver 
Producers from The Bachelor will be holding a casting call for the reality TV show here in Denver, which will take place at the Hard Rock Cafe on the 16th St. Mall from 4 to 8 p.m. Expect to have your picture taken and possibly be part of a three to five minute interview.