DENVER — DENVER -- Dozens of cars cruised up and down 38th Avenue as a form of protest Sunday in Denver.
Organizer of the peaceful protest cruise, Nicole Andrade, says they also face discrimination in their community.
"Low riders and minorities get stigmatized as far as, we are drug dealers, we are criminals, and that’s far from the truth."
Andrade organized the peaceful protest cruise to show a sign of solidarity with Black Lives Matter, while working to shine a light on the discrimination they witness.
"It’s all minorities who get the same stigmatization and the same treatment from police officers", says Andrade.
Dozens of cars lined up on 38th Avenue and for several hours cruised back and forth, calling attention to the change they want to see happen.
"We need to unite as one. We need to stop seeing color. We just need to get to know each other on a deeper level", says Andrade.
Their message echoed one thousands have spread for more than a week of protests in Denver.
"And we won’t let your voice be silent because your lives do matter and so do our lives because there’s times we’ve gotten pulled over and we’ve been harassed because of the color of our skin", sids Gina Strain who also protested during the cruise along 38th.