

Denver man helps Santa mail letters to kids

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DENVER — Most of the time, it’s little kids that write letters to Santa asking for what they want for Christmas. Once in a while, he writes back. 

Tom Bossen has spent decades of his life helping Santa. The 77-year-old started by dressing up as Kris Kringle to visit hospitals in the early 1970s. He now helps print and mail letters to kids on behalf of jolly old Saint Nick. 

“I love kids and whatever I can do to make them smile or happy even for a short bit,” Bossen said. 

The letters rhyme and are signed “Your friend, Santa Claus.” Bossen only mails them out to a select few friends and family (he’s not currently accepting new requests). 

“Just to make the kids happy, to give them a boost,” he said.

He does all of this despite facing the biggest battle of his life. Bossen has Parkinson’s. 

“It’s just a terrible thing to have,” he said. 

He now needs pills to stop his shaking. Luckily, he can still take part in his favorite hobby of model train building. And he can still mail his letters. 

“I like to think maybe not Santa Claus but his number one helper,” he said with a laugh. “I’m better looking than he is.”

He also wanted to raise awareness to the fight against Parkinson’s. 

The Parkinson’s Foundation is trying to raise $1.5 million as a year-end goal. You can donate as a ‘tribute gift’ at www.parkinson.or