We first heard Delaney Clements' story last year, when her friend was banned from school after shaving her head to make Delaney feel better about being bald.
"I did it because she is my best friend and I didn't want her to be the only one laughed at," Kamryn Renfro said.
"I have cancer called neuroblastoma and I've been getting a treatment called chemotherapy and it makes my hair fall out," Clements told CNN in March 2014. "It made me feel very special and that I'm not alone."
PHOTO: Kamryn Renfro and Delaney Clements in 2014
The story made headlines from coast to coast and Delaney's friend was allowed to return to school.
Sadly, Delaney's condition has worsened.
She is being moved from the hospital for hospice care.
This week, her mother posted an update on the "Delaney Donates" Facebook page.
"Sunday Delaney was having severe headaches and her head was very tender in several spots. After a trip to the ER we discovered that the cancer in her body had made the jump to her head," Wendy Campbell wrote. "She has two separate tumors pressing on her brain. Unfortunately, her body will not be able to sustain any more chemotherapy and the treatment we were on was not working."
Campbell said Delaney was scheduled to begin five days of radiation treatment on Wednesday (Dec. 9.) to help relieve some of the pressure on her brain.
"Then we will go home and begin hospice care," Campbell said. "Our goal now is to keep Delaney as comfortable as possible and keep her spirits uplifted."
The radio station Mix 104.3 says Delaney, now 13 years old, has just one wish - to meet pop star Taylor Swift.
"The community of Grand Junction has jumped onboard with the hashtag campaign #DelaneyMeetTaylor to help this effort," the station posted. "Let’s give Delaney the best Christmas wish a girl could ask for."
We're hoping you will help, too, by sharing her wish on social media with the hashtag. If you are on Twitter, try tagging @taylorswift13.
Swift is in Australia right now for "The 1989 World Tour" - but she tends to be pretty active on Twitter!
It wouldn't be Delaney's first visit with a celebrity. She received autographs on her head from Jeffrey Donovan of "Burn Notice" and Denver Broncos wide receiver Wes Welker.
MORE | Denver Broncos' Wes Welker autographs girl's head in support of her cancer battle
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