DENVER — Calls and emails from the constituents of Colorado Rep. Susan Lontine don't go unanswered or at least unseen — not even the negative ones.
Lontine, the Democrat who represents District-1, said responses jumped in the month of February, with several constituents taking "rude" stances on a proposed bill to remove the tax on tampons.
"It seems like any time you try to do things for women, it seems to be a bad thing," Lontine said. "While it's a small thing, it's still for women. I don't get why people get so worked up."
Lontine said she deletes rude emails as they come in, but was able to pull up one email she saved the text from.
The email read verbatim:
Don't you have more important things to think about on the job?
Perhaps you could complain to God about your "medical condition."
Perhaps you could use your free choice to become a man, and choosing to remain a woman stop complaining.
After hearing from you I think I shall never vote for a female official ever again.
Others who called in on the phone called the bill a measure that only caters to "a minority of the population."
Lontine said she listens to the criticism, but stands behind her bill, which she hopes will at the very least stir conversation. The representative, who was just elected to her second term, called responses like the above "horrible" but said she isn't letting it bother her.
"There will always be something that will rub people the wrong way no matter what you do, especially when you're talking about something that has traditionally been such a taboo subject," Lontine said.
Despite the criticism, the bill has passed the finance committee and is on its way to the appropriations committee.
Denver7 will continue to track the progress of the bill.