

Colorado ranks high in driving-related hashtags on Instagram

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DENVER - Fasten your seatbelt, adjust the mirrors and open Instagram! This is the pre-driving routine apparently shared by many Coloradans, according to an insurance industry study.

The study conducted by the Auto Insurance Centerranks Colorado at nine in the top 10 states with the most Instagram posts with driving-related hashtags. Those hashtags include #selfiewhiledriving, #drivingselfie, #driving, and #ihopeidontcrash.

The Auto Insurance Center combed through over 70,000 posts on Instagram with driving-related hashtags.

The study also looked at states that posted the most selfies while driving. While Colorado didn't make that top ten, other western states did.

California topped the list, followed by Nevada. The study determined that people living in the Mid-West were less likely to take pictures of themselves while driving.


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