

Colorado Dept. of Education worker sentenced to 12 years for ‘upskirt' photos, videos

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DENVER — A former state government worker was sentenced to 12 years in prison for six stalking convictions after he was found guilty to taking videos and pictures up the skirts of his coworkers.

After a six-day trial in April, Thanh Tan Ta, 44, was found guilty of sexual assault, stalking, invasion of privacy for sexual gratification, and criminal attempt to commit invasion of privacy for sexual gratification, according to Denver District Attorney's Office. He was accused of using his mobile phone to take film and take photos up the skirts of his female coworkers, as well as other women.

He was also sentenced sex offender intensive supervision probation when he is released for at least 20 years, up to life.

Ta was arrested and charged in October 2017 and again in November, after Colorado Department of Education personnel alerted police that they had discovered numerous files, possibly of pornographic nature, on an external hard drive owned by Ta, but which had been connected at some point for the CDE system, in September, the attorney’s office reported.

Several of the files were marked with the names of current and former female employees and contained both video and photographs up their skirts or other areas of their body. While some of these were taken at work, others were taken in public places, the attorney’s office reported.

Colorado Department of Education staff retrieved about 250,000 files from the external hard drive, including most of the files Ta deleted after officials had first discovered them. The files were given to Denver police. Most of the files were dated between 2011 and 2017.