Stay off the Cherry Creek Trail and bike path on Wednesday. It may be partly underwater.
The Army Corps of Engineers is performing the annual sediment flush and it could cause some flooding along some areas of the creek.
If you walk up and down the Cherry Creek trail, you'll find signs warning of possible flooding. That's because starting Wednesday morning, a large amount of water is going to be let out from the Cherry Creek Reservoir in Aurora to flush out sediment at its gates.
With all that water, the level of Cherry Creek is going to temporarily rise and could bring it to flood stage.
Don't use the Cherry Creek trail tomorrow - it could be underwater! Sediment flush could cause flooding on Weds
— Jason Gruenauer (@JGonTV) May 31, 2016
For that reason, the Army Corps of Engineers is asking people to stay off the trail.
All of this starts at 9 a.m. and goes until noon, but it will take the water a while to travel downstream, and may not reach downtown until the afternoon.
Everything is expected to be back to normal by Thursday.