

Broncos Stadium development could stretch all the way to Federal Boulevard

 'Broncos Stadium at Mile High'
and last updated

DENVER — The Denver City Council on Monday approved the broad strokes of a new neighborhood that could rise from some of the parking lots around Broncos Stadium at Mile High.

Backed by the Denver Broncos, the proposed development follows in the footsteps of other high-density stadium developments around the country.

“While we have a long way to go to make this vision a reality, this plan is the first step in that direction,” said Matt Sugar, director of stadium affairs for the Metropolitan Football Stadium District, which owns the land.

The master plan was drafted by city staff with input from residents, the team and organizations around West Denver. It covers the southern half of the stadium area, along with the “cloverleaf” around Federal Boulevard and West Colfax Avenue.

The document describes a mixed-use development with parks, shopping and residential buildings, including affordable housing for households from “very low” to middle income. But the legal structure of the development could make it complicated to build for-sale units, the plan warns.

Read the full story at The Denver Post's website here.