

Bee swarming season keeps beekeepers buzzing

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Bee swarming season is in full swing and spotting hives or swarms becomes a common sight around this time of the year.  

Beekeeper Jacob Paulsen says he receives several calls a day from businesses and residents asking him to remove swarms of bees.

“It’s very hard for honey bees to find a home in a place like this. We live in an urban environment where we have buildings, roads and cars. So they are hanging out under this tree, sending out worker bees to find a home," said Paulsen.

Paulsen takes the honey bees to a permanent home in his backyard. “I put them in an ideal environment and have hive boxes that are perfect for bees," said Paulsen.

Bees will lay their eggs safely for the season at the hive boxes in Paulsen’s backyard.  

Paulsen is helping prevent bee colonies from disappearing - which he says is a concern worldwide. One-third of the human food supply relies on honey bees for pollinating.

To remove the bees, Paulsen uses a vented bucket and a "bee brush."

The metro area is bee friendly, there are several beekeeping stores in Denver where anyone can go and take classes. But before hosting bees in your backyard, check your city’s local ordinance and make your HOA doesn’t have any restrictions.