DENVER, Colo. -- The Satanic Temple is pushing to get "After School Satan" club into elementary schools, which is causing growing concern among parents.
Amy Jensen, a former Denver teacher and graduate from the University of Denver, has offered to sponsor the club at a Tucson elementary school.
Jensen says it's more about opening minds and less about worshiping Satan.
“It’s not where we sit down and we talk about Satan and we talk about religion and we talk about all of those things," said Jensen. "Actually, those are thrown to the wayside and they’re based in science and more of cultural awareness in other people’s beliefs and I think that’s really important.”
Those with the Satanic Temple tell Denver7 this push is not about converting people to Satanism.
“We’re not actually talking about Satan and Satanism because we have no interest in converting, it’s just that in our religion science and reason is what is the most valued,” said Stu de Haan, who’s the spokesperson for the Tucson chapter of the Satanic Temple.
A Christian publication is reporting the Tucson School District denied the club, but the Satanic Temple said the push is far from over.