

Denver Police Chief attends Indianapolis forum


Denver Police Chief Robert White is in Indianapolis where he is speaking at a national public safety forum. The event is focusing on policing and community relations.

Chief White joined Indianapolis city officials, representatives from cities and a civilian oversight group.

"We are always looking for ways to foster our relationship with our community through positive interactions, so if something goes wrong we are trusted to handle the situation in the proper manner,” said Chief Robert White.

The forum also included a presentation about research and the development of an action report following the unrest in Ferguson, Mo. In August 2014, a white police officer shot unarmed black teen Michael Brown prompting riots that lasted for days.

"Chief White feels very strongly about the national conversation involving the transformation change that the law enforcement profession is undergoing," said Deputy Chief Matthew Murray. "He is honored to highlight the good work being done by Denver police officers and happy to share our experience with others."

Deputy Chief Murray said the organizers wanted to hear what Denver is doing to strengthen community and police partnerships.

"If they know you, if they trust you, if you treat everyone with dignity and respect, an environment of collaboration and cooperation is created, positioning us as a community to better prevent crime," said Chief White.


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